Thursday, December 30, 2010

Emmie Barely Two

One night I was sewing and Em was walking around with my scraps. All of a sudden she pushes my leg and says, "move over mamma, I'm supervisin' "

Em went down to the stock room and came back with treats. I asked her what she was doing and she informed me, "I need a job! Emmie's stockin" and she put the treats on the shelf.

Em wanted to wear a certain pair of pj's and I told her that they were dirty. She says, "Wash them!" I was joking around and said, "How come it's always do this, do that? I guess I'm Cinderella" Em's reply, "NO I'M CINDERELLA!!!" My reply, "Okay, you can scrub the floors, do the laundry, and make dinner from now on" She quickly interjects, "That's okay mamma, you Cinderella now."

Apparently Em owns the patent on the syllable "la". I was told I'm not longer allowed to sing "la la la la" If I forget and happen to belt out "la, la, la" Em usually pipes in with a stern "No Mamma! That's Emmie's song."
This kid is to much and I have a hard time reminding myself she's only 2!

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