Friday, May 8, 2009

Turn around Norman

In the book "Skinny Legs and All" by Tom Robbins, there's a character named Turn Around Norman. Turn Around Norman is a performance artist who spends the day on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral turning in circles so slowly that you don't notice he's moving. He does a full circle in a day. . moving right before your eyes . . . . .but he's so skillfull that you don't notice that he's moving unless you take your eyes off of him and look back to see that he's moved.

Brian and I joke that Emma is doing her own Turn Around Norman. Instead of turning in circles, she's growing right before our eyes. We can't see her cells mulitplying but she's definitely getting bigger with every second. When you stare at her . . .. you see nothing, yet you put her down for a nap she's obviously bigger when she wakes up.

I like to refer to her as our mutant baby. She is by far the biggest baby of our baby group's babies, and she's 3 months younger than the oldest. She's almost as big as on of my customer's one year old. All day I get, "How old is she? 10 months?" and my reply of "nope, 5 months," is usually followed by a jaw drop and a "wow!"

Its amazing! and she just keeps growing! She's now filling out her 9 month old clothes, and I don't think she's to far away from the ones marked 12 months! I sure hope she's athletic and can put her height to use!

She may be huge, but she sure is happy!!


  1. i love you both! hurrah for happy babies!

  2. Brian's post is so cute!

    My mom had the same questions about my brother. He was born at 11 lbs 3 3/4 oz. He was into 3-6 month clothing at birth! He was always tall/gangly.

    Maybe Emma will grow up to be a model!
