Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good news . . Bad news

The bad news.

Brian got laid off on Thursday. After the shock wore off, he hit the ground running and is being proactive in his search for work. He's holding it together. . .. me not so much. We'll be okay. I keep telling myself everything happens for a reason. . . . If anyone knows of anyone needing design work, please let us know.

The good news.

Emma has officially received a clean bill of health. She hasn't had a nose bleed since Chicago, and we met with the pediatric hematologist last week who says all of her blood work is back to normal.

Woo Hoo!

We went to the pediatrician on Friday for her 4 month vaccination and check up. Emma is still off the charts for length and is now in the 70th percentile for head and weight. I like to refer to her as my little string bean. . . . long and skinny like her dad!

I got reprimanded by the pediatrician for not giving Emma enough "tummy time." I told her that it made Emma mad, and asked, "why do something that you know will piss your baby off?"
Her reply was, "How do you think she's going to learn to crawl?"
Um. . .well. . . my answer of "I don't want her to crawl" went over like a lead brick.

She informed me that sometimes we need to make our children do things that they don't enjoy . . . .and I'm not convinced. So, I'm trying to work in a little tummy time everyday and end it as soon as Emma tells me enough is enough.

Hey Lady. . . .you're kidding me right. Tummy Time?
Come pick me up!
Did you hear me?
I'm not kidding! Put the camera down and get me off this floor!
I'm not a dog. . I'm a human. . .get me off the floor now!!
Hey guys, tell mom that I'm going to go from sitting to running. Why worry about moving around on all fours? Humans are bipedal after all!

See. . upright on two feet, that's my style!

1 comment:

  1. LOL sounds like my Kira....she didn't really crawl at all she went from sitting to walking by 7 months sooooo watch out..hehehe Oh she is cute wish I could help spoil her!!
