Monday, April 20, 2009


Bri: Emma, one day you'll be able to eat breakfast just like me.
Not now though. The pediatrician said that you have to wait until you're 6 months old.

Em: Ooh, looks like eggs are on the menu. Here comes the airplaine. BZZZZZ!

Em: Hey wait, my mouth is over here! Dude, that was my bite!

Em: Did you just see that?? He ate the whole thing. Can you believe that?

Em: Since you were a pig and ate all the eggs. . . .get me some coffee.

I need a pick me up! It's right there!

Em: Yeah, that's coffee. And its just for me.

Em: Come on, quit stalling. . . . .I'll help!

Em: NOOOOO, WAIT!!! That's mine!

Em: Can you see how abused I am?

Someone please call CPS, this is definitely baby abuse!


  1. I look like a bum--when was the last time I bathed?

  2. Get that girl some food- she's ready!

  3. SO funny! I'm almost crying I'm laughing so hard. I love your commentary!

  4. The Pediatrician wants us to wait. . to help prevent food allergies, since I have them so bad.

  5. rice cereal should be ok did you ask about that? lol that is so funny
