Thursday, March 31, 2011

A day in the life with Em

Em's grasp of language boggles my mind. Here are a few conversations and situations that made me chuckle.

Today we went to the grocery and I gave Em the coin change. She quickly put it in her pocket and said, "This is for my savings!" I then asked, "what are you going to spend your savings on?" She replied, "a nice gift for you mama."

Em has a ladybug nightlight in her room. The other morning Em stated, "The ladybug has a red light. The red combined (yes she said combined) with the ceiling makes pink stars."

Today I was doing dishes and Em was in the backyard. All of a sudden I hear "Mama I need help!!" I ran outside to see her standing in the dog yard, holding a bag, standing above a pile of dog poop. I asked, "What are you doing?" Em replied, "I'm picking up poop, but I don't want to touch it!" I laughed. I then informed her that picking up poop was my job, but I appreciated the help. She replied, "I am a responsible pet owner and I want to help you, mama. because I love you!"

Em, "Mama! Come here. Take my picture in my new pajamas that Grammy gave me and send it to Grammy. Grammy would like that!"

Totally random statement while walking the dogs. . . .Em states "I used to live on a tractor, one day when I was old. I used it to feed the cows and horses hay." Um. . . .. reincarnation?

Emma wanted to drink my coffee and I informed her that she wasn't old enough. I told her when she got older she could have coffee too. She replied "Mama, I don't want to be young anymore. I'm old now!"

Em still loves to crawl in bed with Mazie. This morning I overhear, "Mazie is sweet. She is my bestest friend."

Em went to the salon with me and got a red streak in her hair (it was vegetable dye and is already washed out). Every morning on the way to work Em reminds me, "mama, I want to go back to the salon. I need more red hair!"
Now that it's nice out I've been setting up her easel out back. Here she is painting the flowers on the stoop. "My masterpiece!" she declared when she was finished!

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure I just died from the cute. Man, she's just ADORABLE beyond belief!
