Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another day. ..

After my last post I've felt a bit stifled.
Every time I've approached the computer I run through my list of things to post about.

Emma didn't do this today.
Emma didn't do that.
Emma asserted herself this way.
Emma is two and showing herself.
Today I wanted to join the circus.

Honestly how does one follow up such a heart warming touching post. . . . there's no way I can post "I take it all back .. . . . I didn't mean it! My child is a monster. . ."

Well. . . my child isn't a monster. She's two. I have to constantly remind myself that even though she communicates as well a 3 year old, she's emotionally a button pushing, limit testing, whining, bundle of terrible twoness. Don't get me wrong. We have good days. We have bad days. Some days the good outweighs the bad and some days the bad. . well. . .that's about all there is. Some days I hold onto her completely asinine statements, aka imagination, as a way to give me motivation to keep on trucking.. . . to make it another day. . .to embrace my previous post.. . to enjoy my child.

The other day we were on a walk and this was our conversation:

Em: The sky is purple
Me: Where? I only see blue sky.
Em: Over there. By my rocket ship.
Me: Rocket ship? Who's on your rocket ship?
Em: Me and mama. We're flying to the moon. To look at the stars and planet earth.

Okay. . . planet earth?? Really? When she says stuff like this I have to remind myself that she's barely 2. These are the days that make the hard days worth it!

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