Friday, October 29, 2010

Some days are better than others

and today was one of those days.

All set,
everyone hands in. . .
on three. .
These are my three greyhounds.
Yes human child thinks she's one of the pack.
Notice the hand holding.

Today we woke up to Friday morning French toast and had an impromptu photo session with Em and the greyhounds. I think this is the best picture of the three. . . .

Em throwing gang signs. . .or acting like a turkey. . . I'm not sure which.

Below is Truman and Em having a "moment" This was after breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of Em grabbing a very syrupy piece of french toast.
Em eating said french toast.
Em sticking her hands out and giggling.. . . as Truman licked the syrup off her hands.
I asked her what she was doing and her reply, "Truman is wiping!"
Good answer, good answer!
Em's lounging (or posing) in this one.
She then decided it would be okay to put a pillow in our bottom drawer and lay down. Thankfully we had transitioned this drawer to a toy drawer long ago.. . .
Today was the Halloween party at Earth Mother Preschool and Daycare and Em REFUSED her lion costume. Brian went to the back room, whipped something together, and Em morphed into a Fairy Princess. She was so happy with this costume, that she wore it ALL DAY!!
Here she is cheesing it up for the camera. . .note: Truman and Mazie wanted their 30 seconds of fame.. .but how do you compete with such a cute kid??


  1. Hi! New follower here from Social Parade! Hope you'll stop by and follow back! I'm looking forward to your posts! P.S. Your daughter is ADORABLE!!!!

  2. How cute! Your daughter is a doll!

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to stop by and follow me back. Be sure to check out (and enter) my giveaways while you're there! Your dogs will even like one of them!

    Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work!
