Sunday, October 17, 2010

oh, the almost 2's

My angel has morphed into an almost 2 tantruming monster.

Developments of the past week:
Em loves to go limp and throw herself on the floor to get her way. My reply, "please don't give yourself a concussion."

Em hates napping and will tell me she's not napping. My reply, "you must nap," followed by a marathon wait. Today I waited 2 hours for sleep fairy to arrive.

Em has decided that when frustrated that throwing what ever is in her hand and yelling, "NO AHHH" is okay. My reply, please don't throw things and I take that item away.

My patience is challenged daily but our "good times" still outweigh the bad (for right now).

Here are a few "better sides" of Em.

The model.

The thinker.The clown.

The angel


  1. She is adorable! I am your newest follower! please visit me back?

  2. What a cutie :) I totally understand the no nap (but Mommy needs you to nap) phase. Because if they don't nap, by 5pm it's melt down time and Mommy will go crazy!

    can't wait to read more of your posts :)
