Saturday, October 30, 2010

The little rooster that could!

For those that have been following our continuing chicken saga. . . this one's for you.

One morning about a month ago Brian informed me that he heard crowing coming from the chicken coop. He said that he went to see who it was and all of the chickens sat there staring at him as if to say, "Wasn't me!"

The next morning, I heard it too. . . . .

The little chicken that was lost and then found has turned out to be one fiesty little rooster. Little Guy was named appropritately, he is in fact a little "GUY".

We went back and forth about whether or not we were going to keep him. We were so attached to this guy after surviving his big night out with a racoon, that it broke my heart to let him go. We did the responsible thing and checked in with the neighbors and he wasn't bothering anyone. He was a lazy rooster and wouldn't start crowing until around 7:30 or 8, so what's the harm?

Well a couple days after the crowing began his testosterone kicked in and he started becoming really aggressive. Think that guy at the bar who's had to many beers that puffs up his chest at everyone. . .well that was Little Guy. He was picking on the hens, he pecked Brian and drew blood, and would charge you if you entered the coop. Little Guy had to go.

I posted an ad on Craigslist and a woman who "rescues chickens" contacted me. She promised he wouldn't become soup and that he would be free to roam her 2 acres and puff up and act as manly as he wanted . . . he may even get a little chicken loving out of the deal. . . wink wink. She said we could come out to visit anytime we'd like to meet her flock.

The situation sounded too good to pass up so I brought LG to the store to meet her. She took him out of his box, chatted with him for a minute, and then kissed him on the head before putting him in a dog kennel with a blanket, food, and water. I don't think I could have asked for a better person to take him home. Had it not been the perfect home, I don't think I could have given him up but I think it worked out for the best!

Here's a few pictures of the final photoshoot as a flock of 5.

Henny, Chippy's butt, Big Bird, and Penny.
What are you looking at??
Little Guy and his "chicks"



  2. I am so sorry I didn't take time to read this story the first time. I went back through 50 blogs to find you.
    I am so sorry for the pain you and your family are going through, but I am so glad in the end you found Little Guy a good home. And that you can go visit.
    There should be more good people in the world.

    I promise I am not a bad person. I wish I hadn't started the blog hop on Halloween. Once I was signed up I felt obligated to participate. But my heart was with my grandkids and the holiday.
    Please forgive me.
    God Bless,
