Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chattie Kathie

Emma has mastered the art of stringing a noun, object, and verb together to make a complete sentence. If I remember correctly, her first "real" sentence was shouted at me really early one morning . . . . "Mamma, GET UP!!" while I tried to hide under the covers for a few more minutes of shut eye. No dice. Every morning I am now greeted by the demands of a small child trying to remove the blankets from my body. Fun!

We had joked when Em was little that I wanted to be called "hey lady" instead of mom, mamma, or mommy. Well Em has developed her own name for me. She calls me, "mamma Lori". It cracks me up. Heaven forbid I get confused with any other mammas around.

To my surprise along with Em's growing vocabulary is her growing confidence. She will now happily climb the jungle gym at the park and has conquered the swing and slide. Its nice to actually be able to "play" on the playground instead of sitting in the wood chips digging with a stick. Don't get me wrong, I love to dig, but there's something special about a giggling child asking to go down the slide one more time or squealing with delight while flying on the swing!

Pure delight!
Em loves loves loves to play in the baby pool. She now has a yellow tutu to accompany her pink one.
Looking serious with tutu and pigtails.

The gratuitous cheese!

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