Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby Dragon Slayer!

Emma loves bubbles. "Bu-ba" was one of her first words and is frequently heard throughout the day. If you pull out that magic bubble wand she just can't get enough.

Emma loves baths. Every night after dinner she demands her nightly bath. She often declares, "A-Da, Bath!" while signing all done and pointing to the bathroom before she's even eaten any dinner.

Because Em is such a bub-a-bath-a-holic I decided that I would introduce her to one of the finer things in life. . .bubble baths. I thought there would be nothing better than having her two favorite things together.

I went to the store and searched for the perfect baby bubble bath. . we were going to do this in style. What a lucky girl!

That night, I drew up a nice, foamy, warm bath. I got her undressed and plopped her into the tub. Sounds heavenly right?

The second she hit the bubble water she let out an ear piercing scream. She started clawing the sides of the tub trying to escape the baby eating bubbles. It was as if I had put her in a cauldron of hot oil! I pulled her out and she refused reentry into her bubble paradise. Bath was done. She wouldn't go back in.

The following night as Brian was finishing feeding her dinner and I drew up a bath. This time sans bubbles. I asked her if she wanted to take a bath. Brian removed her from her chair, put her on the floor, and she scooted into the bathroom. Just like normal. The second she motored up to the tub it was as if a light went off in her little noggin, she turned around and hauled butt out of the bathroom. . .all the while screaming, "No Buba, no buba!" She got to Brian and started climbing up his leg pleading, "No Buba, no buba!" I tried to reason with her, "Emma there are no bubbles in your bath. There will be no baby sacrifices tonight." all the while laughing so hard it hurt.

She did take a bath that night. .. . . .and there have been no bubble baths since.

A dragon-slayer Emma is not.

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