Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A typical day at work

Hey Em, tell us what you did all day!!

Well, you see, I've got it really hard.
I don't know if you want to hear about how exhausting my job is. .. I don't want mom to get arrested for breaking the child labor laws. . .
I guess if you insist. . .
My day usually starts by picking out a toy. If you notice my selection is slim. . I don't have near enough toys. . . a girl should have three times her age in months in toys. . . . which I obviously don't have!

Since my selection is so slim. . . I guess I'll play with this wooden block.
Yep, tastes like a block!
Blech. . .I thought it was going to be cherry flavored! Who actually has wood flavored blocks. Come on mom, it's the 21st century. . . how archaic!
Next its onto the ring-catcher.
Off comes the ring!
On goes the ring. (it took me about 20 minutes to get it back on. . but who's counting?)
Then mom asks, what do you want to do now?

I dunno! How about a photo shoot!
I pose pretty with my golden ring!
Then a smug smile to show my favorite piece of artwork.
Mom says she's going to buy this one for me. . . 30 years from now I can use this as evidence that she did in fact make me the crazy cat lady!
Working it for the camera!
Then my work day ends with a good giggle. . . .
a laugh and a raspberry session. ...
and I only get paid minimum wage. Sheesh.

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