Friday, February 6, 2009


Since the day Emma came home Brian kept saying, "We've got to get Emma on a schedule!" This was usually followed by me rolling my eyes and saying, "Brian, she's X weeks old! You can't put a newborn on a schedule."

After my inlaws left, Brian decided he would implement his "schedule" for Emma. Every night around 9:00 he'd change her, swaddle her up, and start pacing around the house talking and singing to her. Emma wasn't a fan of this so she'd scream bloody murder for about 45 minutes and would finally pass out due to shear exhaustion. At first I sat back and wondered how long this would last. Brian will certainly give up, won't he? I was really suprised that by day 3, Brian was still at it, and Emma had given in. He's broken her. . .hee hee. Ever since that day, if we aren't paying attention and 9:00 rolls around, Emma will start fussing to let us know it's time to go to bed.

Shortly following Emma's acceptance of the nightly routine she started her own daily schedule. She gets up with me in the morning and hangs out until we go to the store. She takes a morning nap which usually lasts between 5 minutes to 2 hours, between 11 and 1:30. The rest of the day she hangs out cooing and smiling at customers and watching me do paperwork and put stuff away. When we get home, she'll go back down until Brian get's home. Again, this nap can be 5 minutes to 2 hours. Once Brian's home, she's up again until 9:00.

I'm glad Brian kept insisting on a routine and he was right. Emma DID need a schedule. Its nice to have some sort of order to our lives again. Now if only Brian and I could get on our own schedule things would be perfect!

Since the implementation of her night time routine she started sleeping a lot better at night. Last night she went down at 9:30, and slept until 4:30 this morning. I woke up a couple times checking to see if she was breathing, but let her sleep. Now I need to quit worrying about her, and learn to sleep through the night!

Hey mom. . .clean up this mess, will ya! It hurts my eyes!

Snoozing in her swing.

Emma is laughing now.. . and you don't really even need to be funny to get her going!

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