Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sleep! Just what the Dr. ordered

Good milk and full belly = one sleepy baby!

My milk came in yesterday making Emma one doped up, milk coma, sleepy baby. She fed most of the day yesterday and slept most of the night. Yes, you read that correctly. . .we got sleep! and lots of it! I'm scared that now that we've had a small taste of what its like, we're going to be sadly disappointed when we don't get it regularly. I guess you can't look a gift horse in the mouth and we should appreciate any sleep we can get.

The midwives came by for the second time yesterday and said Emma was doing great. She's still a little yellow, but that's to be expected. She's feeding well and eliminating often (B would say too often) so her color should continue to lose it's yellow tinge within the next couple days/weeks. My little cameleon has gone from purple to red to yellow. What color's next??

The dog's are starting to come around and I believe they realize that Emma isn't going away. Truman actually acknowledged me yesterday (I was getting the cold shoulder) and he slept with us last night. Mazie no longer leaves the room that Emma is in, and actually gave her a sniff. Tucker, well he's still enamored by Emma's beauty :)

A nap in the sun
I don't care what you say, I'm not sharing my toy with her!
Are you sure you're doing that correctly?

Umm. . can she go back now? Puleeze!

A girl and her boys

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