Friday, December 12, 2008

Good news and bad news

Emma and I got to go on yet another adventure today. . to the cardiologist.

Good news is

Her heart is not causing her breathing problems.

Bad news is

She has a small hole in her heart which may or may not need surgery in the future.

Emma was diagnosed with an Atrial Septal Defect, or ASD. Here's a website that tells you all about it.

This is the passage that I'm holding onto for my sanity:

"A child with a small defect that causes no symptoms may simply need to visit a pediatric cardiologist regularly to ensure that there are no problems; often, small defects will close spontaneously without any treatment during the first years of life. In general, a child with a small ASD won't require restrictions on his or her physical activity."

The cardiologist informed me that Emma's hole is small and since she isn't showing any signs or symptoms of ASD that her hole will most likely close on its own. He said that a lot of children are born with this condition but never know it. Its only because she has breathing issues that an EKG was ordered and her heart issue was detected. The cardiologist recommends a recheck at 6 months and at a year to see if the hole has closed itself or if surgery is needed. He assured me that this is not something to worry about and that she will be fine. Fingers crossed that it closes on its own.

We have an appointment for a digestive study on Monday. This will let us know if she really has reflux, or if we're dealing with something else.

What a week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your past few days. I know how it feels to watch your baby having a hard time breathing and then dealing with all sorts of docs. I'm also hoping Emma will not have any problems with her heart. :)

    About the reflux... Carter had it bad and I'm pretty sure Owen does too. Carter went on prevacid and it made a world of difference, a whole new baby! I'm still hoping Owens will go away.

    Let me know if you need anything or just want to talk. I love you and you can do this! You're a wonderful mommy and no one can take of Emma the way that you and Brian can!
