Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tastes like chicken

My child has turned into a drooling, bubble blowing, licking machine. If she's not licking my shoulder, she's licking the couch, or licking her blankets, or sucking on her hands, or blowing big old spit bubbles. Lovely!

Since she's got a pretty good grasp I decided to put a rattle in her hand to see what she'd do. She instantly brought it to her mouth coated it with a good amount of Emma slobber. When she finished with the rattle, I put her giraffe in her hand. Apparently giraffe tastes much better than rattle and she thoroughly soaked Mr. Giraffe's head.

Emma says,

"This is my tongue. I use it to taste things!"

"Mmmm, rattle tastes good!"

"Do you think Mr. Giraffe will mind if I lick his head?"

"Giraffe, the other white meat"

Here's the slobber monkey in action!

1 comment:

  1. giraffe is also rumored to be kosher, but not confirmed.
