Saturday, February 7, 2009


The big news around here is the store is moving!!! We are moving to a busier part of the neighborhood into a rickety old building that was built in the 1900's. It needs a lot of help, but we're going to do the least work necessary to get in and open. I'm sad to leave my recycled rubber floor that we paid a fortune for, but I'll be happy to be far, far, far away from the drumschool. Its going to be a lot of work, but I hope the better location will help business continue to thrive!

Emma recently discovered that she has arms and legs. When you change her she pulls her feet up to her chest and wiggles her bottom, which makes putting a new diaper on her interesting. Her hands are no longer clenched and she can spend hours inspecting her hands and fingers. She loves to eat her hand and recently started sucking her thumb. She's now reaches and bats at toys hanging above her bouncy chair, and even swatted at the Dr's stethoscope while the Dr was listening to her heart. The Dr thought this was hilarious, and questioned Emma's age. Apparently, she's almost a month ahead in her development which makes me really scared. I fear mobility! She's now 13 lbs 2 oz and 25 inches long!

Uncle Jeff is in town. He is visiting for the weekend. We went out for Mexican last night and he was really concerned when the waitress picked up Emma and disappeared. We assured him that she'd bring Emma back, but you could tell he was extremely nervous.

Sleeping post bath and full belly!

This is the "I'm tired, get that camera out of my face," look.

This is my happy baby. She's usually goofy and giggly right when we get to the store.

Uncle Jeff hanging out with the little miss and the boys.

Meeting of the minds!

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