Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Old Man and the Sea

Old Man Tuck loves the water. 
He always has.  
I'm sure if you asked him what his favorite activity in the whole world was .. .
he would tell you that it was going to the beach. 

As he's gotten older and our family has gotten bigger I am sad to admit that we've often left him home during our family camping trips and adventures to the coast.  Travelling with three big dogs and a kid is impossible.  There's no room.  When we were forced to choose which dogs get to go on vacation, the greyhounds usually won by default.  The two greys love everyone, and Tuck is definitely more particular of who he lets into his social circle.  Because of this, Tucker often got the short end of the stick and was left  at home with a sitter while we took the two greyhounds on our adventures.

For Father's Day we took a trip to the Washington coast and we decided that this time we would take Tucker with us.. .

As I walked with him down the beach for the first time in many years, I was overcome with an intense wave of emotions.  The tears started flowing and I couldn't make them stop.  Behind the tears there were immense feelings of joy, sadness, guilt, and hope.  

Joy, to see the old man spring to life again.  My 14 year old was 3 again.  He ran, swam, frolicked, and had the time of his life.  He had no care in the world and was the happiest I've seen him in years.

Sadness, that this may be his last time at the beach and that our time together may be limited.   Tucker is my first dog.  He's been with me for over 12 years.  He was my main man for a lot of that.  He's been my confidant, my support system, my inspiration, my motivation. . . He's helped me through the rough spots, been with me through the good times, and has been a part of some of the most amazing moments of my life; my move to Seattle, my meeting and marrying Brian, the birth of Emma. 

Guilt, that I haven't given him the attention that he deserves.  Tucker would have been the perfect only dog, but I've forced him to share his life with two other dogs and a child.  Over the last several years we have deprived him of his one love, swimming, because we didn't want to be bothered by managing him. 

Hope, that he forgives me.  In that moment on the beach, he looked at me as if to say, "Hey, it's okay.  Things are alright," followed by a, "Now throw the stick, lady!" 

That's my dog! 


  1. Made me cry. He has been good for you and you for him. Love the old man.

  2. Tucker looks so very happy being at the beach. I'm sure you had a great day together.
