Monday, November 16, 2009

Baby Blotchy Face

Emma got sick last Wednesday. . . runny nose, cough, fever. . nothing alarming. Thursday night her face started to get red and blotchy, and by Saturday night her face was over 60% rashy; eyes were bloodshot, feet and hands were beet red, and her lips swollen. Given her dairy allergy, we figured it was a food reaction and I called the nurse. She was concerned and advised we take her to Urgent Care. After 2 1/2 hours of waiting we were told that "maybe" Em had Roseola or Kawasaki's disease. . . the former pretty common and harmless the latter pretty nasty. . . .we were escorted out with "please contact your primary care provider on Monday if her tongue turns red, she has trouble breathing or she still has a fever" . . . um . . okay. . . . . .
Em in the tub while I was on the phone with the GH nurse.
Don't I look good all red and blotchy?
Red is the color this season. . .. .. trust me!!
Of course I freaked out . . . assumed the worst . .. and read everything about Kawasaki's disease that I could. We had two of the toughest nights since Em came home. . .but last night things took a turn for the better and Em seems to be feeling a bit better. She slept for most of the night and this morning she woke up relatively rash free. I talked with her PCP and it was more than likely Roseola or just a bad "virus".

Em today 90% rash free.

The only positive about Em being sick is I stayed home from work and we all got to hang out as a family. Em had bursts of energy and I was also able to capture a few of her new "tricks" on video.

This video is a three for one.
Giving Five.
and my personal favorite. . .giving knuckles.

Emma now brushes her teeth.
A family that brushes together, stays together. . .

Big developmental milestone. . she's finally figured out her ball slide . . . .

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