Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snow Bunny. . . .

Or Not. . .

Seattle isn't known for it's snow. We usually get one snow blast a year and Em has never been a fan. . . well this year is no exception.

This year I had big hopes that Em would enjoy making snowmen, throwing snowballs, and laying in the snow for the obligatory snow angel. I know better. My kid doesn't like to be dirty, wet or cold. . . and a combination of two of the three is a recipe for disaster.

She was all for it . .in the beginning. Here she is supervising Brian's snowman making. Notice she's not helping.

Now she's over it. "Can I go home now?" I think we made it to about 15 minutes. I told her she could go home if she smiled. . .this was her response.
I did get her to go down the hill on a real sled before being forced back indoors.

Obviously we weren't snow ready. . . here's our make-shift sled.

Oh yeah, we're classy!

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