Friday, January 27, 2012


There's something magical about being 3. Emma's imagination has exploded and lately Emma has been taking a lot of trips. She's either a princess in a far away land, on a flight to Geneticut to see Grammy, at Tooey's pool in Virginia, or off on some other amazing adventure. This girl sure likes to travel!

This morning I had a delivery and asked Emma to bring the boxes downstairs after I unloaded them. After the third box she disappeared. Approximately 15 minutes later she runs up the stairs and yells, "All aboard, your train is getting ready to leave!!" Huh, what train? I went down to see that she had transformed the three boxes into a train complete with an engine, passenger car, and caboose. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Seattle! Hop in. Sit down!" she demanded. I got into the caboose and looked around. She had packed a lunch (crackers and juice), pretended to secure all of her babies into their imaginary seats with imaginary seat belts, she crawled into the engine, tooted her horn and off we went. Ahh, the wonders of childhood.

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