Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We had a blast for Christmas! Great gifts mixed with fabulous family and friends.. . .you really can't beat it!

Courtney was able to come down and spend a couple days with us before leaving for South Africa. . .which made Em's 1st "real" Christmas even more special. Emma loved all of her gifts and really got into tearing open the packages open. I was suprised how long she lasted before getting completely overwhelmed.

Hanging with Courtney before the package opening extravaganza!

Emma was obsessed with her Santa stocking. I'm not sure if it was facination or fear. . but she couldn't turn away.

Pre-opening smile.
Books, books, books!

Post Christmas smile!

True love! . . .. Na-na and Em.

Smiling on command!

Thanks to everyone for making our Christmas so special!

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