Thursday, November 12, 2009

Its no longer just about food.....

Em and Truman are becoming the best of friends. . .

I love it that Emma likes Truman . . .its very endearing. . .but what I don't like is she feeds him any chance she gets. Truman is very gentle with Em and I guess the old adage of "don't bite the hand that feeds" definitely holds true in this case . . . and its amazing he realizes that.

If I turn my back she beckons him over and gives him whatever she's eating. He knows he's not allowed in the kitchen, and she knows she's not allowed to feed him. . .but neither seem to care.
Reprimanding the two co-conspirators falls on deaf ears as Emma ends up giggling hysterically and Truman stares at me while he's devouring whatever is left on her tray. No wonder Emma is so skinny. . .

Another big development in their relationship is that she's now initiating play with him .. . she brings him toys and believe it or not my big lug is extremely gentle with her.

This morning she brought him a toy and they started playing "tug". Listen to her giggle. . . it's infectious!

They played like this for about 15 minutes. He never tired and she laughed the entire time. I guess their relationship is no longer a "Emma sneaks me food so I like her" type of relationship. . . . .. .

1 comment:

  1. i love baby giggle. this is definitely my new favorite sound.
