Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, we took Em to the pumpkin patch. It was cold, overcast, and drizzly, but we made the best of it.
Em wasn't so sure what to think of the big orange balls littered throughout the field.
"Pop, are you sure they won't eat me?"
The first time I got her close to a pumpkin she had a major freak out. I don't know if it was the mud, the pumpkin, or that the pumpkin was cold and wet. . . but she didn't like it. Despite her horror, I couldn't stop laughing. . . . .. .
It took her a LONG while, but she eventually got to a point where I could stand her by a pumpkin.
"See Em, it's not so bad."
After she realized that she wouldn't be devoured by a baby-eating-monster pumpkin, she resumed her normal activities. . .giving orders.
"No, I want that one over there!"
Even though we were surrounded by nicely plump, brightly colored pumpkins. . . she picked the smallest greenest pumpkin in the patch.
A close-up of her pumpkin.
Family photo with Em holding onto her pumpkin for dear life.
She looks to be saying, "hands off, it's mine!"

Emma's favorite part of the pumpkin patch. . the apple cider afterwards!

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