Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another good night

It seems that Emma has settled into a wonderful night time ritual. For two nights in a row she's slept most of the night. . .allowing Brian and I to get some rest. She feeds like mad starting at 7:00 p.m. and I either snooze or watch primetime TV while she gorges herself. She usually falls asleep during this time and I've been waking her up around 11:00 for another feeding session. After feeding her she's out like a light. I've been trying to wake her up around 2:30 or 3 to feed her and I have a 50/50 chance of actually waking her. Either way, she'll sleep until until 6:30 or 7. Feed again, and sleep until 10:00. We are very lucky. . and I'm very thankful for her sleeping!

We packed up the family and went on an adventure yesterday. We swung by the store, the post office, and then headed to South Center to buy a few essentials. We hit the mall and Target and ended up buying Emma a few girly outfits. We successfully avoided buying all pink too!! We had to search, but we did it!

What we learned: 2 hours out and walking is my limit. B said I was a trooper, but I have to admit I was hurting. Thankfully I'm not doing so bad today. Emma slept the entire outing and I don't think she even knew we were out.

Today Emma has her first date: we're meeting Erin and her 2 week old Sam out for pizza!

I'm going to try to stay in the house and relax for the rest of the day. I may even try to take a nap!

The grandmothers have requested pics of me and Emma. . .. so here we are!

Here you go Uncle Jeff. . . she does have eyes!

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