Friday, November 21, 2008

Another day . . ..

Today we are officially 2 weeks from our due date! Yay! I'm getting more anxious by the minute, which I'm sure isn't helping this baby to get motivated to make its big debut. Every morning I think, "Is today the day," and every night I got to bed with Mt Ranier blocking my view of the TV. I'm feeling a little more comfortable today. . and was able to walk the dogs for about 20 minutes without feeling like I've been hit by a truck. So all in all, things aren't so bad.
I really need to get motivated at the shop and get some sewing done. I have several coat and bed orders that I NEED to get out before the baby arrives. Wish me luck.

Here are a few more pics of my beautiful mongrels. . . to spicen up my boring blog :)

Here's Tuck prepared for a "lively" Friday night. . .complete with toy, remote, and microbrew.

Truman making sure his pillow doesn't move.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if your little baby will be able to compete with the dogs. :)
