Wednesday, April 14, 2010

16 months!

It's amazing how time flies. Em is now 16 months old and becoming quite the young lady. Her recent stats are 21 lbs (23rd %) and 33 inches long (95th %). She's talking up a storm, loves to sit on the potty, her 6 teeth have become 9, and as of this weekend is finally "considering" walking.

The biggest development on the home front is that I'm finally okay with admitting that my baby is gone. She's finally weaned, attempting to potty train herself, and becoming a little more independent everyday.

My baby has been replaced by the most entertaining toddler in the world. She's relatively mellow, happy, and extremely curious. Three characteristics that make her coming to work with me possible. She has her moments, but don't we all?

With her new found confidence she's also discovered that walking isn't as scary as she thought. She will now toddle a few steps without holding on and will let go to venture from one piece of furniture to another. Today, she walked up and down the sidewalk in front of the store using her clacker. She went from a tentative step by step while looking at me for encouragement to a fast paced jog without looking back. I think she's getting the hang of it!

Here she is trying to take charge of my camera. Note the intensity on her face. She will be victorious!

She's recently decided that my work chair is the best spot at the store. She sits in my chair giggling while I stand to do my work.

This morning walking with her clacker.
Reciting her animal sounds. I have to admit, these still crack me up.

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