Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rogue Pooper

Picture this:

The store is super busy. Customers are coming and going. Everyone needs help. In the commotion the store baby disappears.

All of a sudden, while you're in mid-transaction you hear an off key grunting noise coming from the front of the store. You continue checking the customer out trying not to draw attention to the new background noises.

The grunting gets louder.

The customer then starts looking around as if to say, "what is that?"

Out of the corner of your eye, you see said store baby crouched behind a shelf trying to be "inconspicuous."

Just as the transaction completes, the king of all grunts is emitted and you just can't keep it back. . .both you and the customer start laughing. You both knew what was going on but neither wanted to admit it.

Today her "secret location" was wedged between the clearance treats and the front window treat shelf. After we stopped laughing I decided I would take pictures. . .

Instead of "Where's Waldo" we play "Where's the pooper?"

Gotta love the look. ."hey mom, I'm stuck. . . can you help a girl out?"
and the gratuitous, "I see a camera, smile"

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