According to the books 18 months is a huge milestone age for most kids and for Em 18 months has transformed Emma into another being.
She understands complex commands and when feeling like it will follow them.
She initiates songs. Row Row Row Your Boat and
Itsy Bitsy Spider are her favorites. Please don't try to sing Twinkle twinkle in her
presence. She will demand that you stop. I don't know what she has against little stars. . .but she doesn't like them.
She picks out her clothes, matching or not.
She pretends to throw a fit when she doesn't get her way . . . but don't you worry, she can turn on the full out tantrum when she wants to.
I'm pretty sure my baby is gone and has been replaced by a precocious little toddler monster.
Here she is monstering and pretending to fit. . . I call this video a twofer!
Earlier this week she proclaimed that she was a "
bii drrrl" and I spent the week trying to get it on film.
This past month there have been moments of pure amazement. Today we were sitting out on the front stoop of the store and she counted to three. No provocation. Just, "One, two, three. . . " I almost died. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get it on tape. . . .and of course she wouldn't preform for the camera.
You get the drift.