Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The others. . .

Everyone told me that when you have kids your relationship with your dogs will change. I didn't believe them. I replied, "No way a little lump could come between my dogs and I. My dogs are my children!" As I look back at my photos from the last 19 months I get sad. My photo albums used to be filled with pictures of my four legged hooligans, but this past year and 1/2 my pups have become background.

Example: in the past month this is the only picture I have of Mazie. Is this the way I want to remember her? Is she mearly a giant white butt? I guess one good thing about that is at least you guys know that we haven't gotten rid of miss whiney pants.
Truman is in more pictures because he loves this kids.
Kids = Food.

Truman is also a lounger. . .and so is Em. These two are made from the same cloth.
The old man. . well he's old and cranky. He's not as cranky with Em and I think he understands that she understands the "Tucker" boundaries. Outside he's okay with her affection. Inside he likes his distance.

He sleeps a lot more but will jump to lick your face if you grab for his leash.

He's also up for playing dead opposum.

Going through the pictures made me realize that I need to spend more time with my pups. I love those guys and they make my life complete. . .

Speaking of hooligans. . .this is Penny. The most social of our flock.

Baby Picasso

Em got a new easel from our friend Jennifer so I went out and bought her a sample paint set complete with apron. Here she is trying out her paints for the first time.

Here's my little artist in training!

The finished masterpiece!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Busy lives!

Summer is already here and I have no clue where spring went. Luckily the weather in Seattle (60's-70's) gives me illusion that it's still April so I really haven't realized that time is passing before my eyes.

The other day I was working with a customer and I hear a "SSHHHLLLP AH!" which got me wondering. This was followed by a period of quiet so I continued with the customer. Then another "SHHHHLLLPP AHHH," and I ask the customer to hold on to see what was going on. Em was chugging my Americano and happily handed me my empty cup and said, "Emmy Caakkkee"
This picture was taken about 20 minutes post coffee I think the expression just about sums it up.

To make up for all of the time I've been spending at the store lately I took the day off. Today was my first full day off in a long time so we spent the day as a family. We kept it low key by doing chores, gardening, grocery shopping and fit in a quick trip to Alki beach. The weather was perfect so we came home from our adventure and cooked out on the grill.

What a perfect day!

Here's Em in her supervisor's chair.

Hey lady, put down the camera. . it's time to flip the steak!

Side note. . .Chickens:
As if three dogs, a store, and a child weren't enough. . .we got chickens. Brian built a temporary house for them which he refers to as the "chicken tractor" and they are currently residing in the middle of my lawn. Hopefully their forever home will be done soon!!

They move so much that it was hard to get pictures of them.

Below is a close up of "Little Guy"
(from left to right in the back, Chipmunk 1, Big Bird, Penny, and Henny . . Chipmunk 2 was hiding"

I had no idea how complex chicken society was and that the term "pecking order" originates from chickens. Well it's true. This is Henny the matriarch of our little flock. Doesn't she have the "don't mess with me look"?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All grown up

According to the books 18 months is a huge milestone age for most kids and for Em 18 months has transformed Emma into another being.

She understands complex commands and when feeling like it will follow them.

She initiates songs. Row Row Row Your Boat and Itsy Bitsy Spider are her favorites. Please don't try to sing Twinkle twinkle in her presence. She will demand that you stop. I don't know what she has against little stars. . .but she doesn't like them.

She picks out her clothes, matching or not.

She pretends to throw a fit when she doesn't get her way . . . but don't you worry, she can turn on the full out tantrum when she wants to.

I'm pretty sure my baby is gone and has been replaced by a precocious little toddler monster.

Here she is monstering and pretending to fit. . . I call this video a twofer!

Earlier this week she proclaimed that she was a "bii drrrl" and I spent the week trying to get it on film.

This past month there have been moments of pure amazement. Today we were sitting out on the front stoop of the store and she counted to three. No provocation. Just, "One, two, three. . . " I almost died. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get it on tape. . . .and of course she wouldn't preform for the camera.

You get the drift.

Monday, June 14, 2010

5 stages of a danish


Girly Girl!

I am no longer protecting Em from pastels, dresses, and girly girl items. It's apparent she's hardwired to LOVE everything that I've tried so hard to keep her from. . . . so in the spirit of my new enlightenment I have officially embraced Em's girly girlness!

My first girly girl project. . .a tutu.
It needs a little more tulle and a finish ribbon but not bad for my first try.

I also broke down and bought Em one of those creepy blinky eyed babies. She hugs, kisses, cuddles, puts the baby to bed, and shows her how to use the potty. It melts my heart to see her be so gentle and nurturing.

Here's both the tutu and baby

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sick, sick, sick

This past week is a blur. Em and I have both been sick which makes for very interesting days.

As if being sick wasn't enough, Em has decided that this is the week to start asserting her independence. The battles have begun and I can't wait for this phase to be over. Yes I am aware that this phase will never end. . just let me pretend, okay?
Sunday she didn't want to get dressed for work. She refused take off her pajamas and insisted on wearing her dress.
This is Em's outfit for the day.
Striped dress over polka dot pajamas complete with sun hat. . . Classy!
Today she decided to assert herself by refusing breakfast and controlling how her hair should look.
While getting her ready she kept handing me hair ties and demanded,
"Bow! Hair!"
"Bow! Hair!"
Okay kid, you ask and you shall receive!
I figure she'll get hungry eventually, and my customers will get a kick out of her crazy hair.
Here she is lookig rather Dr. Seussish.
And here she is completely tickled with herself!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Brian bought Emma a plastic kitchen which she kindly refers to as her "BOAT!" Why boat, who knows. That's it's name. . .we don't ask questions.

Here she is being introduced to boat

Her first official dinner preparation on boat.